i have NO idea what path led me to this board. i'm checking emails and following just a seemingly endless chain of links of mild interest and , here am i.
greets! er, hail!
so strange to be years removed now from myth and yet seeing the same freakin names on here makes it come back rather quickly.
wanna know what i've been up to? of course you do! my life is as exciting as a charlize theron-ashley judd shower scene. (ok all you jesters, i set it up, you knock it down). actually the only thing different is a few grey hairs from my last girlfriend's insanity... uh oh, random thoughts escaping outward... ok, you need references for a job or apartment, yes? after five seconds of careful thought i think you should be able to ask a woman for references from former boyfriends as well. wouldn't it be nice to know what she'll turn into 3 months or a year from now? if for no other reason just to balance out all the horrific asshole stories you know she will inevitably tell about them.
blah x3.
i've got you bookmarked now. hope for the best. prepare for the worst. muahahaha (do people still say "muahahaha"?)
It's been a long time since we've gamed together. If you're getting a Myth itch, then check out SB 1.4 (http://projectmagma.net/). Or if you've got an Xbox and want to play sometime, my Gamertag is "Acrappa".
(This message reminds me... I owe BA an email, I think! BA, if
you're reading, I suck.)
Hey, you didn't mention computers or gaming. Still playing
anything? Believe it or not, lots of Plaid still play Myth. TFL
no less.
we do? more like we think about playing, talk about perhaps playing... but rarely do we actually play (: And with the 'vTFL' in the SB 1.4.x update, we're mostly playing SB now... and that includes even me, heh.
Anyway... we need a #CP# (past and present) Myth reunion sometime. When would be good? (:
Then again, a lot of people must have thought the same about me in the immediate aftermath of the events of late September last year. I'll mail you with more info.
I'm not playing much at all anymore, certainly very little online. Saps up way too much of my time (I'm ready and waiting to be smacked down -- bring it on ).
In the life of cot, uni continues rather slowly, Mars and I held the first and second CP and FoP gatherings earlier in the year, and (my life is so boring, heh) I'm tentatively working on starting a media news/reviews/info site. "Tentatively" being Cobesque for "This sounds like a good idea, how about you tell people you're working on it".
It's good to hear from ya... Last couple years have been zany for me. Graduated college, went through Air Force OTS, now I'm up here in Alaska. Having a great time with all the people and all that there is to do. Still game here and there but its been toned down a lot more recently. Mostly just a little puzzle pirates or NWN for me.
Sorry to hear about the psycho gf... I was engaged for 9 months before I realized I didn't wanna get married just yet. That was about a year ago. ; )
gaming: alas no. myth multi spoiled me. there'll never be an AI that can compare to the collection of minds i used to joust with and against. i am slowly teaching myself scripting and plan to have a huge, non-linear mod for NWN by springtime. it's still in its infancy, though, but if there are any wannabe beta testers i'm sure i'll need some by the holidays. or i could just burn out on it altogether. who knows.
myth: yeah, i'd love to play. my schedule's just about perfect again for weeknights. i looked at projectmagma. very nice. what do i do, just install the 1.4.3 thingy and grab all the maps etc? i refuse to touch myth3, but a tfl via sb sounds comfortable.
cot: wtf! "aftermath of the events of late September last year" sounds ominous. you gonna mail me or make me cringe in horror at the thought of you suffering through a botched sex change operation??? i tried telling people i was working on your site and they just shook their heads and said "i hate snakes."
bb: alaska... great place to be single, o peglegged one. what is it, like a 4 to 1 male-female ratio? marriage. man, i thought i was pretty close to it as well, but now two months after i broke up with her, it's pretty obvious to me that would have been a HUGE mistake. my best friend got married at the beginning of the summer and now i'm pretty much the only one left in our extended social group that isn't married, gay, or a complete asshole/player.
bb: alaska... great place to be single, o peglegged one. what is
it, like a 4 to 1 male-female ratio? marriage. man, i thought i
was pretty close to it as well, but now two months after i broke
up with her, it's pretty obvious to me that would have been a
HUGE mistake. my best friend got married at the beginning of the
summer and now i'm pretty much the only one left in our extended
social group that isn't married, gay, or a complete
I've found that of the people in my age group (20-30s), there's more than a fair share of women. It's either even or i'd even dare to say there's more women then men. There's a shitload of old grizzled hunters and stuff that mess up the statewide ratio. So yeah, I definitely can't complain much about that. ; )
Egad! Dude, looooong damn time no, see! And yes, I know about dealing with insane women. This former wight is single, now. Oh well. E-mail me when you get yer NWN Mod all done. Can't wait to see it!
i have NO idea what path led me to this board. i'm checking
emails and following just a seemingly endless chain of links of
mild interest and , here am i.
greets! er, hail!
so strange to be years removed now from myth and yet seeing the
same freakin names on here makes it come back rather quickly.
wanna know what i've been up to? of course you do! my life is as
exciting as a charlize theron-ashley judd shower scene. (ok all
you jesters, i set it up, you knock it down). actually the only
thing different is a few grey hairs from my last girlfriend's
insanity... uh oh, random thoughts escaping outward... ok, you
need references for a job or apartment, yes? after five seconds
of careful thought i think you should be able to ask a woman for
references from former boyfriends as well. wouldn't it be nice
to know what she'll turn into 3 months or a year from now? if
for no other reason just to balance out all the horrific asshole
stories you know she will inevitably tell about them.
blah x3.
i've got you bookmarked now. hope for the best. prepare for the
worst. muahahaha (do people still say "muahahaha"?)
Yeah, psychotic girlfriends... I think everyone either has to deal with one or has to try and save a buddy from one (okay, more saving a buddy from himself in most cases).
actually the only
thing different is a few grey hairs from my last girlfriend's
insanity... uh oh, random thoughts escaping outward... ok, you
need references for a job or apartment, yes? after five seconds
of careful thought i think you should be able to ask a woman for
references from former boyfriends as well. wouldn't it be nice
to know what she'll turn into 3 months or a year from now? if
for no other reason just to balance out all the horrific asshole
stories you know she will inevitably tell about them.
blah x3.
Wow, you just described what's been going on in my life... except in my case, the "horrific asshole" she dated previously and told me so many stories about was, uh, actually still dating her, just I didn't know about it until Thursday. Oh, and he's actually a really decent guy. He had no clue I was in the picture either. References would have really prevented this situation nicely, I'd think! I want my year back.
Women are nuts. I hate to grossly overgeneralize, but I am directly labeling each and every individual woman on this planet a complete nutcase. Consider yourselves warned, ladies.
blah x3 here too.
Great to see you lurking about again. Myth more. And maybe you should come join the late-nite love-ins on CPHL. Bring some moon pies.
Women are nuts. I hate to grossly overgeneralize, but I am
directly labeling each and every individual woman on this planet
a complete nutcase. Consider yourselves warned, ladies.
::hugs Sleph::
Eye doesn't mean it, honey. He's horribly confused. Then again, I wouldn't debate the fact that you have more than a few nuts in your case. Complete nutcase though? Please! Oh, he was "ultrauberovergeneralizing™", wasn't he. You're off the hook, Commonwealth brother!
Great to see you lurking about again. Myth more. And maybe you
should come join the late-nite love-ins on CPHL. Bring some moon
I have to come back for some of that soon. Do we have much of a late-night posse anymore?
I have to come back for some of that soon. Do we have much of a
late-night posse anymore?
It varies... I have been slacking recently, but in general, there's usually a fair bit of activity up until, uhh, around 2 or 3 am MDT, which would be something like 8-9 am GMT for world-minded folk, or 6-7 pm in your crazy backwater timezone.
greets! er, hail!
so strange to be years removed now from myth and yet seeing the same freakin names on here makes it come back rather quickly.
wanna know what i've been up to? of course you do! my life is as exciting as a charlize theron-ashley judd shower scene. (ok all you jesters, i set it up, you knock it down). actually the only thing different is a few grey hairs from my last girlfriend's insanity... uh oh, random thoughts escaping outward... ok, you need references for a job or apartment, yes? after five seconds of careful thought i think you should be able to ask a woman for references from former boyfriends as well. wouldn't it be nice to know what she'll turn into 3 months or a year from now? if for no other reason just to balance out all the horrific asshole stories you know she will inevitably tell about them.
blah x3.
i've got you bookmarked now. hope for the best. prepare for the worst. muahahaha (do people still say "muahahaha"?)
Don' be a stranger!
(This message reminds me... I owe BA an email, I think! BA, if you're reading, I suck.)
Hey, you didn't mention computers or gaming. Still playing anything? Believe it or not, lots of Plaid still play Myth. TFL no less.
It's been a long time since we've gamed together. If you're getting a Myth itch, then check out SB 1.4 (http://projectmagma.net/). Or if you've got an Xbox and want to play sometime, my Gamertag is "Acrappa".
It's good to hear from you.
- Matt
we do? more like we think about playing, talk about perhaps playing... but rarely do we actually play (: And with the 'vTFL' in the SB 1.4.x update, we're mostly playing SB now... and that includes even me, heh.
Anyway... we need a #CP# (past and present) Myth reunion sometime. When would be good? (:
And howdy WWO!
Hey wwo,
And I thought I'd never see you again...
Then again, a lot of people must have thought the same about me in the immediate aftermath of the events of late September last year. I'll mail you with more info.
I'm not playing much at all anymore, certainly very little online. Saps up way too much of my time (I'm ready and waiting to be smacked down -- bring it on
In the life of cot, uni continues rather slowly, Mars and I held the first and second CP and FoP gatherings earlier in the year, and (my life is so boring, heh) I'm tentatively working on starting a media news/reviews/info site. "Tentatively" being Cobesque for "This sounds like a good idea, how about you tell people you're working on it".
Anywho, I'm hungry. Time for some vegemite toast.
Great to hear from you wot!
Your late night chum,
WOT!!!! How you been mate?
It's good to hear from ya... Last couple years have been zany for me. Graduated college, went through Air Force OTS, now I'm up here in Alaska. Having a great time with all the people and all that there is to do. Still game here and there but its been toned down a lot more recently. Mostly just a little puzzle pirates or NWN for me.
Sorry to hear about the psycho gf... I was engaged for 9 months before I realized I didn't wanna get married just yet. That was about a year ago. ; )
gaming: alas no. myth multi spoiled me. there'll never be an AI that can compare to the collection of minds i used to joust with and against. i am slowly teaching myself scripting and plan to have a huge, non-linear mod for NWN by springtime. it's still in its infancy, though, but if there are any wannabe beta testers i'm sure i'll need some by the holidays. or i could just burn out on it altogether. who knows.
myth: yeah, i'd love to play. my schedule's just about perfect again for weeknights. i looked at projectmagma. very nice. what do i do, just install the 1.4.3 thingy and grab all the maps etc? i refuse to touch myth3, but a tfl via sb sounds comfortable.
cot: wtf! "aftermath of the events of late September last year" sounds ominous. you gonna mail me or make me cringe in horror at the thought of you suffering through a botched sex change operation??? i tried telling people i was working on your site and they just shook their heads and said "i hate snakes."
bb: alaska... great place to be single, o peglegged one. what is it, like a 4 to 1 male-female ratio? marriage. man, i thought i was pretty close to it as well, but now two months after i broke up with her, it's pretty obvious to me that would have been a HUGE mistake. my best friend got married at the beginning of the summer and now i'm pretty much the only one left in our extended social group that isn't married, gay, or a complete asshole/player.
I've found that of the people in my age group (20-30s), there's more than a fair share of women. It's either even or i'd even dare to say there's more women then men. There's a shitload of old grizzled hunters and stuff that mess up the statewide ratio. So yeah, I definitely can't complain much about that. ; )
Egad! Dude, looooong damn time no, see! And yes, I know about dealing with insane women. This former wight is single, now. Oh well. E-mail me when you get yer NWN Mod all done. Can't wait to see it!
Good to hear from you.
Yeah, psychotic girlfriends... I think everyone either has to deal with one or has to try and save a buddy from one (okay, more saving a buddy from himself in most cases).
Don't be such a stranger.
Wow, you just described what's been going on in my life... except in my case, the "horrific asshole" she dated previously and told me so many stories about was, uh, actually still dating her, just I didn't know about it until Thursday. Oh, and he's actually a really decent guy. He had no clue I was in the picture either. References would have really prevented this situation nicely, I'd think! I want my year back.
Women are nuts. I hate to grossly overgeneralize, but I am directly labeling each and every individual woman on this planet a complete nutcase. Consider yourselves warned, ladies.
blah x3 here too.
Great to see you lurking about again. Myth more. And maybe you should come join the late-nite love-ins on CPHL. Bring some moon pies.
::hugs Sleph::
Eye doesn't mean it, honey. He's horribly confused.
I have to come back for some of that soon. Do we have much of a late-night posse anymore?
It varies... I have been slacking recently, but in general, there's usually a fair bit of activity up until, uhh, around 2 or 3 am MDT, which would be something like 8-9 am GMT for world-minded folk, or 6-7 pm in your crazy backwater timezone.
Bringing you this message from tomorrow...