Although the message at reads that the site is undergoing maintenance, the financial backer has stated it is over unless someone steps up to run it. 4 Million was donated before it closed. bummer.
On 16 July 2001, Russian programmer Dmitry Sklyarov was arrested by federal agents in Las Vegas, Nevada. His crime: pointing out major security flaws in Adobe PDF and eBook software.
Sklyarov was in Las Vegas to present a paper at a convention on eBooks Security: Theory and Practice. In this paper, he disclosed that Adobe's security features in their eBook and PDF software was woeful. According to Sklyarov's paper, Adobe charges upwards of $3,000.00 to secure documents in this shoddy and insecure manner.
Rather than thanking Dmitry Sklyarov and sending him and his company a healthy-sized check, Adobe instead decided to call in the FBI to prosecute him under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, or DMCA.
Adobe has backed down, but Dmitry Sklyarov is still in jail. It is now up to the U.S. Attorney General's office of the Northern District of California to free him.
I feel positive about the phone calls I made to Adobe today and the emails sent to them and my Govt. reps.
The reason Dmitry was arrested was not for the talk, but that he and his company sell the (crack, heh) in the US. That's why this is a criminal case, not civil.
Adobe probally realized they should spend their money on better encryption And they got what they wanted; Elscomsoft or whoever isn't going to sell the decryption software in the US anymore.
Although the message at reads that the site is undergoing maintenance, the financial backer has stated it is over unless someone steps up to run it.
4 Million was donated before it closed. bummer.
2. Russian dad jailed by Adobe
On 16 July 2001, Russian programmer Dmitry Sklyarov was arrested by federal agents in Las Vegas, Nevada. His crime: pointing out major security flaws in Adobe PDF and eBook software.
Sklyarov was in Las Vegas to present a paper at a convention on eBooks Security: Theory and Practice. In this paper, he disclosed that Adobe's security features in their eBook and PDF software was woeful. According to Sklyarov's paper, Adobe charges upwards of $3,000.00 to secure documents in this shoddy and insecure manner.
Rather than thanking Dmitry Sklyarov and sending him and his company a healthy-sized check, Adobe instead decided to call in the FBI to prosecute him under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, or DMCA.
Bungie Sightings
Adobe has backed down, but Dmitry Sklyarov is still in jail. It is now up to the U.S. Attorney General's office of the Northern District of California to free him.
I feel positive about the phone calls I made to Adobe today and the emails sent to them and my Govt. reps.
Join the EFF. They rock.
The reason Dmitry was arrested was not for the talk, but that he and his company sell the (crack, heh) in the US. That's why this is a criminal case, not civil.
Adobe probally realized they should spend their money on better encryption