Anyone up for trying out this beast that rode in with Myth II 1.4? Unlike Mazz I & II, there is no longer a plugin player limit, so theoretically we could have 16 people playing in one game - which is a good thing since there are so many units to control.
But I figure an adequate turnout would be 6 or 8 people who have a couple of hours to kill blowing stuff up. Myself, MH and eph are already interested.
The plugin is availible on CPHL under the Myth II 1.4 stuff folder as well as the progectmagma website. How does this Wednesday night ( June 11th) on Mariusnet starting around 9:00 Eastern and going till people stop schluping off and in sound? Latecomers welcome, just don't expect us to necessarily be open soon unless eph is on dorfs.
But I figure an adequate turnout would be 6 or 8 people who have
a couple of hours to kill blowing stuff up. Myself, MH and eph
are already interested.
I've had a few cracks at it, on normal and heroic difficulties with 2 to 4 players... definitely not enough. Still, with 4 people who knew reasonably what they were doing, we managed to drag out a game on heroic for approximately 90 minutes.
6 to 8 definitely seems ideal... here's a breakdown that I think would work allright, with lucky 7:
2 players control half of the archers each, taking half of the special bows each.
2 players split the dwarves and warlocks, one getting the pyromancer and the other getting the electromancer. Probably give the mortar dwarf to the guy with the electromancer.
2 players split the normal heron guards, roving around, covering where needed, grabbing as many roots as possible.
1 player controls Mazz and the heron hero, making sure that they are constantly being utilized to their fullest. I find that when I'm controlling these guys in addition to a bunch of other units that I'm using them nowhere near as much as I should, and frequently forgetting where they are.
Wednesday night might not work for me (and very likely not for MH) due to the presence of soccer activities. Still, we shall see.
But I figure an adequate turnout would be 6 or 8 people who have a couple of hours to kill blowing stuff up. Myself, MH and eph are already interested.
The plugin is availible on CPHL under the Myth II 1.4 stuff folder as well as the progectmagma website. How does this Wednesday night ( June 11th) on Mariusnet starting around 9:00 Eastern and going till people stop schluping off and in sound? Latecomers welcome, just don't expect us to necessarily be open soon unless eph is on dorfs.
I've had a few cracks at it, on normal and heroic difficulties with 2 to 4 players... definitely not enough.
6 to 8 definitely seems ideal... here's a breakdown that I think would work allright, with lucky 7:
2 players control half of the archers each, taking half of the special bows each.
2 players split the dwarves and warlocks, one getting the pyromancer and the other getting the electromancer. Probably give the mortar dwarf to the guy with the electromancer.
2 players split the normal heron guards, roving around, covering where needed, grabbing as many roots as possible.
1 player controls Mazz and the heron hero, making sure that they are constantly being utilized to their fullest. I find that when I'm controlling these guys in addition to a bunch of other units that I'm using them nowhere near as much as I should, and frequently forgetting where they are.
Wednesday night might not work for me (and very likely not for MH) due to the presence of soccer activities. Still, we shall see.
Well if Mazz is at 9 Eastern (7 our time) we should be good, since the soccer goes from 4pm until 5 or 6.
Of course I think I hurt a rib in last night's game so hopefully I am still good to go for Wednesday (and our league game tomorrow).