[quote] This movie has already been flying around the 'net, but just in case folks here haven't seen it, it's a real work of art. This guy is talented!
[/quote] I dunno if it's a QT for Windows problem, if they're too big, or what. The whole thing just jams up (except the mouse moves the cursor). Guess I'll wait until I get home.
You can also find it on CPHL, of course.
This movie has already been flying around the 'net, but just in
case folks here haven't seen it, it's a real work of art. This
guy is talented!
http://halo.bungie.org/misc/warthogjumpmirrors.html You can
also find it on CPHL, of course.
I dunno if it's a QT for Windows problem, if they're too big, or what. The whole thing just jams up (except the mouse moves the cursor). Guess I'll wait until I get home.