Ok hello there it's RapidFire the guy nobody knows anymore :-( I was the biggest Myth and Myth II fan, I played it online whole day (I got cable internet as one of the first persons on earth :-)) and I was pretty good at it. Then the World War II maps took over Myth, and I stopped playing it. (Ok, those maps where fun, but WHY OH WHY did they spoil the game with those maps. Nobody played the normal Myth any more.
A few months ago I heard about Myth III. Too bad Bungie is not with us any more, I still remember the big discussions we had about Microsoft taking over Bungie (I cried when I heard that) and there were no more updates on Myth II. I think Mumbo Jumbo still has a lot to learn and they won't make the community as good as Bungie did. Or is it just me? I can't seem to find a really good community site.
So please tell me where I can find a big site with a forum where EVERYBODY comes I want to make friends and be in an order and stuff. I just can't seem to find anything. And there are almost no Myth III players online only about 20 players usually. Are all the fans gone? Please help me find people!
[quote] So please tell me where I can find a big site with a forum where EVERYBODY comes I want to make friends and be in an order and stuff. I just can't seem to find anything. And there are almost no Myth III players online only about 20 players usually. Are all the fans gone? Please help me find people!
[/quote] Myth III - for one reason or another, didn't catch on with all the Myth fans, so right now there are some fans playing TFL on marius net (www.mariusnet.com for more info), some that still play Myth II, and some play Myth III. www.mythvillage.org is a decent community site, and there is www.mythwolfage.com that is more centered on Myth III.
some fans are still around, just getting a bit decentralized.
A few months ago I heard about Myth III. Too bad Bungie is not with us any more, I still remember the big discussions we had about Microsoft taking over Bungie (I cried when I heard that) and there were no more updates on Myth II. I think Mumbo Jumbo still has a lot to learn and they won't make the community as good as Bungie did. Or is it just me? I can't seem to find a really good community site.
So please tell me where I can find a big site with a forum where EVERYBODY comes
So please tell me where I can find a big site with a forum where
stuff. I just can't seem to find anything. And there are almost
no Myth III players online
all the fans gone? Please help me find people!
Myth III - for one reason or another, didn't catch on with all the Myth fans, so right now there are some fans playing TFL on marius net (www.mariusnet.com for more info), some that still play Myth II, and some play Myth III. www.mythvillage.org is a decent community site, and there is www.mythwolfage.com that is more centered on Myth III.
some fans are still around, just getting a bit decentralized.