all my PC, Dreamcast and Nintendo games are still in Move Limbo
(if they ever made it to our new house at all! ARRRGH!)
So last weekend I got tired of waiting for my games to magically appear and I trucked out to the local Target and picked up Crazy Taxi 2 and Sonic Adventure 2 for Dreamcast. Cool games!
After I played nonstop Saturday, Vicky, after digging around in the "Room 'o Boxes" for a few hours, shows up in my game room Sunday morning with a box. Guess what was in it ;-)
So last weekend I got tired of waiting for my games to magically
appear and I trucked out to the local Target and picked up Crazy
Taxi 2 and Sonic Adventure 2 for Dreamcast. Cool games!
After I played nonstop Saturday, Vicky, after digging around in
the "Room 'o Boxes" for a few hours, shows up in my
game room Sunday morning with a box. Guess what was in it ;-)
At least I can go pick up the D2X now!
_/ C
Crazy Taxi 2 and SA 2 rock What can I say? I love my dreamcast I cant' wait for NCAA Football 2k2 comes out next month.... BEAVS WILL WIN IT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!
I just wish I could get someone over to the house to do some
head to head action... the h2h features in both these games look
Ya, they are pretty fun... cept knowing the levels gives one a big advantage. My friends dont like coming over to get tooled just cuz they havent played it :P Scavenger hunt works well though... Don't you know any other geeks from work who like gamin??? There's a decent Crazy Taxi 2 FAQ at gamefaqs you should check out... helped me enjoy the game more.
After I played nonstop Saturday, Vicky, after digging around in the "Room 'o Boxes" for a few hours, shows up in my game room Sunday morning with a box. Guess what was in it ;-)
At least I can go pick up the D2X now!
_/ C
Crazy Taxi 2 and SA 2 rock
I just wish I could get someone over to the house to do some head to head action... the h2h features in both these games look sweet.
_/ C
Ya, they are pretty fun... cept knowing the levels gives one a big advantage. My friends dont like coming over to get tooled just cuz they havent played it :P Scavenger hunt works well though... Don't you know any other geeks from work who like gamin???
Come to another gathering C!