My Fury Warrior Build (for DL)

edited January 2007 in WoW: General


  • edited December 1969


    I like the Fury talents. A lot. I also like to stay in Berserker stance as much as I can, so I took as many talents as I could to improve Berserker stance. When grouping, stance dancing is imperative, so I ventured out of the Fury tree for Tactical Mastery.

    Cruelty is important because other talents trigger off crits.
    Improved shouts are great. Especially improved battle shout for groups. Piercing Howl is important for PVP, as well as slowing things down in Defensive stance. I tried and discarded Booming Voice because it's more of a convenience thing, and I don't mind just shouting more often. The increased range can get you in trouble aggroing too much for some shouts if you're not careful.

    Flurry is the core of the build. When Flurry kicks off, you do ridiculous amounts of damage. Enrage is a prereq for Flurry, and not a bad talent in its own right.

    Improved Intercept, Whirlwind, Berserker Rage, and Berserker Stance I took again, because I love Berserker stance. All make very useful improvements.

    Death Wish -> Bloodthirst -> Rampage to get the top tier talent, which again is a monster for DPS if you can keep it up. Bloodthirst is kinda lame, but the fear immunity on Death Wish is fantastic.

    For dealing yet more damage, I also take dual wield spec and precision, though I really really like improved Cleave (150% damage bonus at 3 points is a monster if you use Cleave a lot).

    That about sums it up!
  • edited December 1969

    Where Carch and I differ:

    I pick Unbridled Wrath rather than Imp Demoralizing. I want rage. Lots of it. To use my abilities as quickly as possible.

    I chose Imp. Slam instead of Intercept. I used to use imp intercept when i was pvping a lot. But in pve it's not as big a deal, imho. Sometimes i like to use and skill up the big 2-handers in battle stance. Slam is the best way to do dps with fury build and a two-hander, since they dropped it to a measly 0.5s cast. Slam! Slam! Slam! Sometimes I crit over 1200.

    I'm working down the arms tree to get impale, therefore i put 5 points in Parry rather than in the fury tree. Improved whirlwind is nice, but since they added rampage, I really don't have as much rage left over to "rage dump" into a whirlwind. Sometimes I actually just slam with my one-hander! :) I also like imp. cleave, but again its impact isn't as big as deep wounds and impale will be when I get there.



    I crit, regularly, 1200-1800 every bloodthirst. It heals me 100 damage every six seconds. Once you have 900+ attack power, Bloodthirst owns every other warrior talent in any tree. Hands down.
  • edited January 2007
    Ok, perhaps I should be clearer on Bloodthirst. Bloodthirst is great as a sort of mini-Execute. However, at 30 rage, it's expensive, and I have found the amount that it heals is negligible. It just doesn't seem to move my health bar at all.

    Another thing I should clarify is that my build is made specifically for me soloing stuff at or below my level (rarely above my level, and almost never elites), with a couple of group utility things tossed in for good measure. Soloing is pretty much all I do.

    I also tried Unbridled Wrath, but again, I never really noticed it improving my rage situation. Berserker Rage does that more effectively than any other ability I've used (not improved Berserker Rage, the spell itself, which generates more rage on damage).

    When I was using a 2-hander, I used Slam a lot. Improved slam is definitely worth it if you've got a big stick.

    As I level up above 60, I'm probably going to rework to get Anger Management into my build. The stuff in the first couple tiers of the arms tree is very good for managing rage.
  • edited December 1969
    Oh, and one other thing.

    Based on watching Recap when I grouped with you, and when my warrior has been soloing, my warrior does about HALF the DPS that Xetasi does.


    I am not generating nearly as much rage from damage as you are. I can't. I just don't have the gear. So before you start telling me I'm smoking something, walk a mile in my Tier Zero.

  • edited December 1969
    Carch wrote:
    Oh, and one other thing.

    Based on watching Recap when I grouped with you, and when my warrior has been soloing, my warrior does about HALF the DPS that Xetasi does.


    I am not generating nearly as much rage from damage as you are. I can't. I just don't have the gear. So before you start telling me I'm smoking something, walk a mile in my Tier Zero.

    Hey, there's no need to get huffy, my intent was not to insult your choices. I just think bloodthirst is an excellent talent and well worth 30 rage, and couldn't understand why you would just shrug it off.

    I've been fury all my build. I've used bloodthirst since I was walking around in level 40 greens. I estimate that at 800 attack power is the point where it really becomes worth the 30 rage. With the new rampage talent, you could probably hit that naked.

    I refuse to acknowledge your martyrdom. :P

    If we have a difference of opinion regarding the utility of Bloodthirst, that's fine.

    Edit: Oh. And since they normalized rage generation in patch 2.0, the gap between rage generation when you compare well-geared warriors to lesser geared warriors has been closed somewhat.
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