[Jones] Your Government at work

edited March 2002 in General Discussion


  • edited December 1969
    NASA Subject Category: LIFE SCIENCES (GENERAL)

    Corporate Source: Army Mobility Equipment Command (Fort Belvoir, VA, United States)

    Published: Jun 01, 1980

    Abstract: A decoy and deception concept presently being considered is to remotely create the perception of noise in the heads of personnel by exposing them to low power, pulsed microwaves. When people are illuminated with properly modulated low power microwaves the sensation is reported as a buzzing, clicking, or hissing which seems to originate (regardless of the person's position in the field) within or just behind the head. The phenomena occurs at average power densities as low as microwatts per square centimeter with carrier frequencies from 0.4 to 3.0 GHz. By proper choice of pulse characteristics, intelligible speech may be created. Before this technique may be extended and used for military applications, an understanding of the basic principles must be developed. Such an understanding is not only required to optimize the use of the concept for camouflage, decoy and deception operations but is required to properly assess safety factors of such microwave exposure.


    Preliminary findings of Project-MILAB:
    MCF: Dr. H. Lammer - Military & UFO Abductions

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    [url=http://www.raven1.net/v2s-nasa.htm]NASA Subject Category: LIFE SCIENCES (GENERAL) - Your Government at Work[/url]
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