Carpet-bombing is legal!!!!!

edited November 2001 in General Discussion


  • edited December 1969
    All the countless bickering over whether carpet-bombing is legit or not has been solved, once and for all, by the military.


    U.S. Carpet-Bombs Taliban
  • edited December 1969
    Re: Carpet-bombing is legal!!!!!
    All the countless bickering over whether carpet-bombing is legit
    or not has been solved, once and for all, by the military.
    oh...Carpet-bombing is quite take 1 to 3 B-52's, load them with oh....about 108 bombs varing from 500 to 750 pounds, fly over at 50,000 feet...find the target with the Forward Looking Infrared Radar(FLIR), and press the button...this creates a rolling wave of explosions traveling across the ground at approximately 350 to 500 miles an hour, depending on the speed of the aircraft at release...But, the public has been so glossed over with all the "Smart bombs" the laser guided --uses a laser desinator - Circular Error of Probability(CEP) 3 to 5 feet from 35,000 feet from about 10 to 15 miles...or the new JDAM weapons that use GPS for target desingation (CEP - 3 to 5 feet from 50,000 feet at a range of over 30 miles), that to the general public, any kind of miss by a weapon or a large scale drop (like a carpetbombing - called ARCLIGHT missions) seems overkill or inhumane....Trust me...there is nothing inhumane about getting hit by a 500 pound may sound gruesome, but death is instantanious...a person is litteraly blown apart into component pieces...

    Smart bombs have their place...say when you have a target that is in the middle of an area that you DON'T want destroyed...But for sheer physical and psychological trauma, carpet bombing is the only way to go...During the Vietnam War, the vietnamese soldiers that were talked to said that the only aircraft that they really feared was the B-52...It flew so high that they never heard it coming, and by the time the did hear it, the bombs were already landing...They said that they carpet bombings were more of a demoralizer than anything else we tried...Same thing for the Republican Guard in Iraq....There is nothing that will make your manhood shrivel up like watching a line of massive explosions walking towards you and knowing that there is NOTHING in the world that you can do to stop it...
    ::Getting off of my Soapbox::
    ::Crawling back up in the Sharp Pointy Spear thingie::

    Your Comrade in Arms,

    McGyver #CP#
    Warrior Brigade (Desert Division)
    Prince Sultan Air Base, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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