[Webmaster] [deleted]

edited August 2004 in Gaming


  • edited December 1969

  • edited December 1969
    Please excuse the above Fuc*tard...

    The above message was generated by a complete and total moron...if you so feel like it...please rain down upon the above mentioned generator of the above mentioned post all the spam that you can possibly think of sending. Any and all types of Porn (except for kiddie type...that will get him and you arrested) but goat, camel, cow, overweight Sumo wrestlers that love getting covered in grape jelly, Moose or Elk, All the X-10 Camera ads that you can send him, Any and ALL bank fraud emails asking for his personal information....

    You get the point...

    I feel better now...well a little bit...okay, not much...but it was good to vent....

  • edited December 1969
    Y'know, that * doesn't really hide what you're saying [nt] [nt]

  • edited December 1969
    It's the thought that counts, Blood [vlt]

    Like Christmas :)
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