Please don't make all of your alts start with 'zans' -
The reason I say so, is that it makes it hard to send you stuff in the mail.
For example - try mailing something to Moridin's main, and you'll understand.
Best thing to do is what Pat did - make a name with 'pat' somewhere in the name.
I also have a mid-40's NE Druid and a mid-30's Human Paladin on Terenas.
All my characters' names start with "Zans..."
Shooting for Mining/Eng right now, but we'll see where he heads...
The reason I say so, is that it makes it hard to send you stuff in the mail.
For example - try mailing something to Moridin's main, and you'll understand.
Best thing to do is what Pat did - make a name with 'pat' somewhere in the name.